psalm 138

Psalm 138

I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;

before the gods I sing your praise;

I bow down toward your holy temple

and give thanks to your name

for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,

for you have exalted above all things

your name and your word.

On the day I called, you answered me;

my strength of soul you increased.

All the kings of the earth shall give you thanks, O Lord,

for they have heard the words of your mouth,

and they shall sing ofthe ways of the Lord,

for great is the glory of the Lord.

For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly,

but the haughty he knows from afar.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble,

you preserve my life;

you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies,

and your right hand delivers me.

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;

your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.

Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time to Come Home

            I am trying to picture what it will be like to be back in the US—to drive on the right side of consistently smooth roads, to have access to a grocery store 5 minutes from my home, to have cold milk from the store, and to have all the comforts of family and friends close by. There are definitely things about Kenya that I will miss—the slower, more deliberate pace of life, the beautiful Rift Valley, the dorm boys and the Hildebrands, early morning walks with Jen, and the feeling of adventure and being involved in the work of the Lord. But, I do feel ready to go home. I’m ready to be with my family again and catch up on my friends’ lives.

            I want to be able to share and explain my experiences with everyone I love. I know that will be impossible. There are just some things that cannot be explained or understood unless the experience is mutual. I hope, though, that rather than have to explain and articulate everything that happened to me, everything that God revealed to me, that I would simply show a change in my actions and words and sentiments.

            I hope to show that I’m a more compassionate, understanding, and open person. You see, with traveling across the world and spending time in Africa, my mind has been opened to a variety of new thoughts and ideas. Things are not always how you think they ought to be, and that is not always wrong. So, when I come home, I hope to bring a changed, more open mind. In opening my mind, I might be more ready to understand people and their various experiences. I may think more outside the box and not be so critical, judgmental, or simply narrow-minded. Of course I do not want to become liberal and universal in my thinking, especially when it relates to morals and my relationship with God. But, if a person has a strong moral core and a prayerful relationship with God, then an open, compassionate mind towards others cannot easily lead that person astray. It can only help that person to be better in tune to others around them, their needs, and how they can be served.

            I also hope to come home and show my desire and growing hunger for God and for bringing Him glory. I came to Africa wanting to experience a challenge to my faith, wanting to see God do amazing things—and believe me, it is an amazing thing just to travel on a plane around the world. It takes much faith. I came here wanting that boost of growth and the necessity of relying on God every step of the way. What I’ve seen of God’s faithfulness and His love for me makes me excited for my future, for the ways that God is going to show up more in my life. I am no longer as worried about my life, about my schooling, and my life after school. I know that with everything that comes my way, God is in control and He will provide for me. Even if things are difficult and down right unpleasant, He is still taking care of me. I am excited for this stronger faith that God has grown inside me. I hope and pray that going back to the U.S. will not stop my growth, but will increase it.

            With those thoughts, I will close my blog for now. I may share some more stories that stand out as time goes on, but I am done for now. I am leaving Kenya in a matter of hours and heading back to life in the U.S. It is going to be an adjustment, but I am looking forward to all that God has in store for my future. I am SO grateful for this amazing opportunity that God allowed me to experience. I am grateful to you all for reading my blog and praying for me. It is through your prayers that I’ve been able to be carried through some of the challenging times of my stay in Africa.

            So, with a full heart of gratefulness, sadness, and anticipation, I leave you all on the blog only to reconnect in person in the near future! Thank you and God bless!

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